

Hi there,

My names Amy. I have been a chronic sentimentalist and moment cherisher since I can remember being alive. Looking at photo albums was one of my favourite things growing up.  It would never get any less boring no matter how many times I went through the same album. I loved where a photo allowed me to stay, and that it could let me soak up the whole of something in a way words never could.

To be able to hold a moment in your hands,  to be lived again and again, forever will never be any less magical to me. I see goodness in every soul, and believe every soul is made up of goodness. I sense the environment within photographs as just as much a part of the subject as the subject itself. Sometimes it is the physical home, sometimes the forest, sometimes the beach, and sometimes just the air that surrounds you when gathered together. It is my hearts desire to capture the flow of your love, where it goes, where it rests, and what it see’s when you forget your there.

I love capturing the visible and invisible pieces that make a whole I suppose that is my driving force. One of my favourite photography quotes is by Emily Dickinson, “Beauty isn’t caused, it IS”. And this is all I long to see.

Every shoot is special to me and receives my full devotion. I meditate in preparation for each shoot and recieve a channeled messages that allow me to connect with your energy on the deepest of levels.